Keep your followers happy with a KISS
As in, Keep It Simple, Stupid. Actually, let's change it to something less rude: Keep It Stupid Simple.
Is your Facebook page linked to Twitter? Does it feed your statuses automatically to Twitter? Unlink it.
Stop making people work to read the rest of your message. If you want to tweet something, tweet it and keep it short and simple.
If you want a longer status, fine, use Facebook but remember this: Not everybody has a Facebook account, and if they did they may not be able to log in at that moment so, already, you've lost their attention.
Use Twitter and Facebook to lead people to your website or, better yet, to get them to come to you directly instead of taking them on a goose chase around the internet. We all have short attention spans as it is, so just Keep. It. Simple. I personally am bothered when a tweet gets cut off halfway and I have to go somewhere else to read the rest of what you said and 99% of the time I won't bother.
If the person you hired to put your FB page together linked the accounts and you don't know how to fix this, this is what you can do:
Access your FB Page. In the Admin Panel right at the top, click on Edit Page: Resources: Unlink Page.
Yes, I know it's extra work to post twice. There are tons of apps you can use that allow you to post to all channels in the same app so you're not constantly switching from one to the other or logging in to multiple sites. My favorite free app is Hootsuite but if you're like me and manage several sites and profiles, definitely check out Raven Tools for your social media and site management needs.
The KISS rule applies to how you work too and I'm a firm believer in keeping things stupid simple across the board.
Now, I know some people may disagree so I'd really like to know (to also educate myself): Do you prefer to keep your Facebook Page connected to Twitter? How do you keep things simple? Email me your responses or leave a comment and share!