Tweed in the Village

This weekend is going to be another jam-packed, "I want to go to this, this, that and the other place" activities.  I won't bore you with what all of them are but one in particular is making me wish it's already Saturday.

You wouldn't know it's April outside with how hot it is but it's April 2010 and by golly, Tweed is celebrating its grand opening tomorrow, Saturday April 17th. Huh-zahhhh.

I walked in yesterday (the door was open) and my uterus started doing a crazy dance.  It's SO cute inside, everything they sell is adorable and if you have a child who's 0-24 months, you need to, nay, WANT to check it out even if you're not there tomorrow.

Need more information on Tweed? Read their helpful post titled "Tweed 101."

So see you guys tomorrow!

I teach businesses how to connect with their customers.

10 Fun Things for Out of Town Guests


And I'll eat it too.